Finding Hotel Discounts
As a general rule of thumb, I never pay full asking price for a hotel. There are coupons for almost every major chain online that are ac...
You may find your employer has a discount hotel program set up if your company uses ADP to process payroll. Other times it’s located on your company’s intranet.
Sometimes your credit card company will offer discounted rates. Both MasterCard and Visa offer credit card holders discounted rates available online.
If you’re looking for luxury, you may again benefit from your credit card. I have the Chase Sapphire Reserve card, which allows access to the Luxury Hotel and Resort Collection. While the hotels can be pricey, the prospect of free breakfast and resort credit may be beneficial for families (and parents looking for some R&R).
Orbitz also allows users to apply two 15% off coupons per email address per month.
Generally, I start my search on Kayak to pare down the list. I then apply my coupons to that list to find the best value hotel. It’s not always the cheapest since sometimes those are sketchy, but it’s a place to start.
Finally, I use ebates (referral link) to get a bit of cash back since I’m booking a hotel anyway.
Happy hunting!